For the woman who is ready to awaken & empower her inner healer, reclaim her safety, step into deeper levels of self worth, power and freedom.

Dear woman, what if…

  • You could feel safe and grounded and allow your nervous system to slow down, rest and generate healing In your body?

  • You knew how to alchemize emotions, heal past wounds and release limiting patterns that are keeping you stuck so you can move through life with more confidence, self love, and freedom?

  • You could feel deeply connected, and guided by the wisdom and power within your body, heart, and intuition?


  • You reclaimed your worth and learned how to honor your needs while holding yourself in love and adoration, knowing you have been and always will be enough exactly as you are.

  • You softened into your feminine and accessed feeling deeply alive, embodied, powerful, sensual, nurturing, and trusting, all while being able to honor and harness your inner masculine to hold you in safety and offer structure and purpose.

Do you find yourself…

  • Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and exhausted while being driven by perfectionism and thoughts of having to do it all/figure it all out on your own?

  • Constantly getting stuck in your busy mind, ticking off your to do lists and feeling disconnected from your body, emotions, and pleasure?

  • Often feeling guilty, lazy, or unproductive if you slow down and rest or put yourself first?

  • Pushing through, dismissing your emotions, and putting on a smile while underneath feeling a deep craving for more connection, depth, purpose, and fulfillment in life?


  • Dipping into spells of feeling depressed, numb, and dissociated while experiencing thoughts of “it doesn’t matter”, “I don't care” “I just want to give up/be done” “there has to be more to life than this”?

  • Harboring feelings of anger, and resentment towards circumstances/others while feeling powerless to change?

  • Often feeling that you’re alone while craving relationships where you feel heard, held, and seen and want to experience more depth, connection, playfulness, and passion?

If this sounds like you, we know how it feels. This is what led us down the path to Somatic and Embodiment work and the art of inner transformation.

This is why we created a powerful community and journey for women…


The Bloom Project

For the woman who is ready to awaken & empower her inner healer, reclaim her safety, step into deeper levels of self worth, power and freedom.


Chloe -

My intention for doing this program was to learn how to quiet my mind and learn how to speak more kindly to myself. I wanted to get out of a fight or flight mode and be more calm. After Bloom, I know that if I want to see a change, I have to put in the dang work! A lot of the tools I used help me de stress after a long 12 hour day. Even something simple as recognizing that I am dissociating and choose to do box breathing to regain my focus into the present moment. More self compassion and calmness was the aftermath of this program. My favorite part of this journey was connecting with other women who are non judgmental and celebrate the wins ❤️ Don’t be afraid to try it and jump in! Your inner child is begging you to put yourself first for once ❤️”

Emily -

When I signed up for the Bloom project, I was feeling a bit lost and in transition between seasons of life. After leaving the RISE Retreat with FN, I was pushed to make a lot of big (but necessary) life changes. The Bloom Project helped me to work through some of those changes in a community of women who helped support and guide me through it. The Rise Retreat and Bloom Projects were truly life changing for me — they gave me the courage and support I needed to move into the next season of life and helped me recognize and work towards my true desires!

What’s inside the container?

Module 1

Nervous System Regulation

Break the cycles of shutdown, burnout, & overwhelm and begin to rebuild connection and trust with your body as you learn the essence of restoring your nervous system through a body based somatic approach.

Module 2

Cultivating Safety

Dismantle the patterns of getting stuck and get the exact process we use to help guide women to establishing safety in their own nervous system so they can establish a strong foundation to easily shift into creating the healing and growth they desire.

Module 3

Emotional Alchemy

Dive deep into your emotional triggers, learn where your body is holding onto emotional burdens and discover how to alchemize your emotions to move through hard moments that arise vs suppressing and staying stuck.

Module 4

Shadow Self

Uncover the aspects of yourself that are holding onto judgment and shame. Surrender into your whole human experience as you rebuild self worth and self love and accept all parts of yourself. Commit to meeting yourself with love and acceptance as you can begin to show up in your life embodying your full power.

Module 5

Self Awakening

Reclaim and uncover the true aspects of yourself and learn how to stop reaching outside yourself for joy and fulfillment. Harness the skill of identifying your core needs and implement the practice of permissioning your true self to lead your life for greater pleasure, playfulness, and freedom.

Module 6


Come home to the truth and essence of who you are and who you are dedicated to becoming as you learn how to soften and lead your life in the natural flow, creativity, pleasure, and power of your feminine.

What’s Included In

The Bloom Project?

  • 8 week LIVE group container

  • Video lesson portal with 7 digestible educational modules, accompanied with self somatic and embodiment practices to support integration

  • Powerful weekly connection and embodiment calls offering community, in-depth self discovery, powerful shifts, and true self awakening

  • Intimate group chat with unlimited messaging access to mentors (with a 48hr response time)

  •  Two private and personally tailored somatic coaching sessions to help you deepen your transformation



Shelby -

I was struggling with loneliness, struggling to feel connected through the business of life, overstimulated easily, short fused, & numbing out. Now I have more presence and permission to experience my emotions as they come instead of trying to hush them away or invalidate them by throwing comforts at them. The noticing sensations and observing emotions and integrating those together has helped me create more safety and presence. I have experienced a fearlessness in speaking whatever feels like needs to come out without fear or needing permission. If you’re on the fence about joining the bloom project, do it! This container is soft. The experience is gentle and comforting, it's more like an invitation vs a checklist or "discipline". As women we go through phases of life that push us out of our soft flowing energy and into a side of us that turns those parts of us off. Our current lifestyles require us to be strong and get things done which can disconnect us from the voice of our bodies. Because of this it's important to remember how to connect with the energy of the intuitive body and feminine-nurturing self and bring focus to the integration our humanness with our spiritual self. Mattie and Amanda are attentive and care deeply about every woman who walks through the door of Bloom Project. You will feel seen, heard, and held by them and the community of women around you.”

April -

I joined the bloom project just after coming off the rise retreat. I felt like I needed a recap so I could feel held but also have the opportunity to integrate these practices in realistic ways into my life. The bloom project delivered all of that. I was able to get into situations that would normally be very triggering and have an embodiment practice on hand to use. Calming your nervous system down isn't easy when you're mid trigger! I was also able to deepen my relationship with my body using practices taught to us. I felt safe in the group setting and was able to establish friendships over the course of the program. I would recommend the bloom project to anyone who wants to have a deeper relationship with their body, mind, and spirit.

Why The Bloom Project?

The truth is…

  1. “Healing” is causing sickness

  1. Symptoms have become something to “fix”. Even in the functional and natural medicine spaces, we get sucked into a hyper masculine role of supplements, food eliminations, labs and biohacks, without slowing down and building a foundation of safety in our nervous system at a core level.

  2. Emotions are not prioritized

    Chronic physical symptoms ALWAYS have  emotional components to them and we hit walls on our healing journey when we don’t address the emotional pieces. These emotional pieces don’t want to be fixed, they want to be heard, moved, and transformed...Your body knows how to do this when you give it the presence and permission it needs.

  3. You deserve to feel whole & access the power of your inner healer

    In life we become separated from ourselves through labels, coping mechanisms, and self judgments. Knowing how to recourse your medicine within and learning to love and integrate all parts of yourself allows you to fully come home to yourself and create transformation in any area of your life/health.

Who is this for?

The Bloom Project is more than just an online program. It’s about embracing your humanness, surrounding yourself with sisterhood, building connection with your true self, giving you a safe place to shed layers that no longer serve you.

Mothers seeking community and self reclamation

Healers wanting to be held in their own growth

Women feeling burned out

Women of all walks wanting to create more freedom, softeness, wholeness, and true self  reclamation

This container is for you can feel the call to freedom knowing deep within that there is more to life than feeling stuck, settling or surviving.

Meet your guides

We are Mattie & Amanda

We are holistic practitioners, somatic coaches, and guides for women who are seeking to transform their health, step into their power, and create emotional freedom.

Our work focuses on:

  • Creating a deep sense of safety in the nervous system

  • Understanding and honoring the body’s wisdom and voice

  • Awaking and igniting the powerful healer within

  • Mastering emotional alchemy

  • Re-awakening the feminine and creating energetic harmony between our masculine and feminine energetics

  • Healing and integrating wounded/outcast parts of self

  • Helping women come into alignment with their souls truth and purpose

We are SO HAPPY you are here!!!

Are you ready?

❤️‍🔥To awaken your inner healer and learn how to build an unshakeable  foundation of safety in your body?

❤️‍🔥To dive deep into your emotional body, uncover messages, and access freedom through emotional alchemy?

❤️‍🔥To meet suppressed, judged, and shamed parts of self, uncover your true needs, love and integrate all parts of self as you step into wholeness?

❤️‍🔥To link arms with your true self to create a life filled with more connection, pleasure, and purpose?

Investment & Details



***Payment plans with Affirm or Afterpay available for as low as $56/month

The next Bloom Project begins:

September 23rd

Embodiment calls will be on:

Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm (mountain time)

Time commitment:

  • Module video content: 20-30 minutes per week 

  •  Embodiment calls: 1-2 hours per week 

  • Self practice: 20 minutes per day

  • Bloom Buddy connection: 10-30 min per week (via text, call, video call. Whatever works best!!)